Keira Knightley & Orlando Bloom reuniting for Saturday Night Fever remake?

Pirates Of The Caribbean on-screen couple Keira Knightley & Orlando Bloom are apparently considering a reunion for The Fever Returns, which is either a second sequel or a remake to the 1977 classic dance flick Saturday Night Fever (trailer above), details are unclear. The film will be set in Hoddedson, a small British town and all I can say is….WTF?

ah ah ah ah Stayin Alive! Stayin Alive!


5 thoughts on “Keira Knightley & Orlando Bloom reuniting for Saturday Night Fever remake?

  1. WTF is right? How can you take a quintessential American movie like “Saturday Night Fever”–set in BROOKLYN, for God’s sake–and set in England? Who thinks this sh*t up?
    Don’t get me wrong, I adore Orlando and Keira and I thought they were adorable in the “POTC” movies, but please keep them away from “SNF.” That would just be wrong.

  2. OMG, this is just SO stupid…. Can’t anybody come up with new movies anymore??? Why remake a movie that is already so perfect??? It just wouldn’t work: Tony Manero = John Travolta and vise versa. Also, Orlando Bloom is much to old for this part.

  3. SNF was about the hopelessness of being trapped in the broken down, dirty, dank, depressing, crime ridden big cities of the northeast USA in the 1970s – with no way out. Some of us managed to escape the hopeless hell holes that these cities were. And many of us did not. That life cannot be captured again in a BS remake who’s only purpose is the bald faced buck. John Badham showed the world what life was like in NYC, Philadelphia, Providence, Newark, Hartford, Boston or Worcester if you were the child of a working class immigrant white family during that time.

  4. erm this picture isnt of keira and orlando its of her and her ex boyfriend rupert friend (he was in Pride and Prejudice) – i know they look a bit alike

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