Bill Murray talks Ghostbusters 3

Skip to about five minutes in to hear what original castmember Bill Murray has to say about the recently announced Ghostbusters 3. The short version is that he’s looking forward to making the film and hopes it won’t be special effects crazy as that ruined the second film in his opinion. I you missed it, read what original castmember and co-writer Harold Ramis had to say about the sequel a little while ago here.

More Ghostbusters 3 details

There’s something strange, in the neighborhood, so who you gonna call? Harold Ramis! Ramis, who co-wrote and starred in the first two films, shed some light on the hotly anticipated sequel.

yes, columbia is developing a script for GB3 with my year one writing partners, gene stupnitsky and lee eisenberg.  judd apatow is co-producing year one and has made several other films for sony, so of course the studio is hoping to tap into some of the same acting talent. aykroyd, ivan reitman and i are consulting at this point, and according to dan, bill murray is willing to be involved on some level.  he did record his dialogue for the new ghostbusters video game, as did danny and i, and ernie hudson.  the concept is that the old ghostbusters would appear in the film in some mentor capacity.  not much else to say at this point.  everyone is confident a decent script can be written and i guess we’ll take it from there.
best, harold

This fits pretty well with what we’ve heard so far (first story on the subject here). I’m not that enthusiastic about the old team mentoring the new team scenario though, it seems kind of convential to me. Why not have the old team losing face to a new team of cocky hotshots and having the community turn their backs on them. Then there could be huge threat the new guys aren’t capable of dealing with on their own and thus they’d turn to the old team, appreciating the value of wisdom and experience over fancy gadgets and stuff. What do you think?


Never say never: Ghostbusters 3 is a go!!!!

Rumors of a new Ghostbusters movie have been emerging continuously for years and years, but were always squashed mainly because one castmember or another wasn’t interested (*cough*Bill Murray*cough*). At one point, the film was going to be CGI, at another it was going to feature a new team of ghost hunters… Until finally it was declared the forthcoming Ghostbusters: The Video Game would essentially be Ghostbusters 3.

But just when all hope seemed lost, things are finally moving ahead! Sony Pictures has hired screenwriting duo Gene Stupnitsky and Lee Eisenberg (10 episodes of NBC’s The Office) to pen a new sequel featuring the original cast and also introducing new busters. What’s more Ivan Reitman, director of the first two films is involved with the project and while none of the original cast have signed on yet, Dan Aykroyd, Harold Ramis and Ernie Hudson have all expressed interest in the past. In fact, just a couple of days ago Aykroyd was talking about how he’d like Judd Apatow (as producer or director?) and Seth Rogen (Pineapple Express) to participate in the film. So basically, the only wild card is Bill Murray.

But the real question is, will Dan Aykroyd slim down like he did for Blues Brothers 2000? Is that even possible?
